
Il Team di - Agenzie immobiliari a Brescia e Provincia

Francesco Zaccagni
Iseo lake and Franciacorta Real Estate Agency - Immobiliare Il Maniero

Iseo lake and Franciacorta Real Estate Agency

Owner: Zaccagni Francesco

tel: (+39) 030.9822034

Real Estate “Il Maniero” has always been the point of reference for prestigious properties thanks to the careful selection of properties. Specialized in real estate auctions and executive procedures, it offers the customer a 360 ° degree assistance to meet our objective: the satisfaction of the buyer and the seller. Zaccagni Francesco has been a real estate agent since 1995 and over the years he has established a team of professionals who provide the client with professional and quality support. Thanks to the consolidated knowledge of the market, professionals offer a service that is attentive to the needs of the customer and support him in all the steps.

Laura Cavalli
Franciacorta and West Bresciano Real Estate Agency - Obiettivo Casa

Franciacorta and West Bresciano Real Estate Agency

Owner: Cavalli Laura

tel: (+39) 030.7080674

Cavalli Laura, owner of Obiettivo Casa, has been a Real Estate agent since 2007 and operates in the West of Brescia and in Franciacorta. She’s an expert at the Brescia Chamber of Commerce, Technical Consultant of the Court of Brescia, accredited with the Brescia Real Estate Exchange, member MLS Agent Re and FIAIP provincial councilor from 2013 to 2021. She manages the agency with her husband, Onger Antonio, who takes care of the web marketing, home staging and photography sectors; she is also the coordinator of the group.

Pietro Avanzi
Garda Lake Real Estate Agency - Il Ponte

Garda Lake Real Estate Agency

Owner: Avanzi Pietro

tel: (+39) 0365.20114

Avanzi dott. Pietro, owner of “Il Ponte”, has been a real estate agent since 1995 and, for over ten years, has specialized in the field of high-quality properties and investment, both tourist and commercial, on Lake Garda and in Northern Italy. He is expert at the Brescia Chamber of Commerce, Technical Consultant of the Court of Brescia, accredited with the Brescia Stock Exchange and RICS Italia member. He also holds a post-graduate master's degree in "Economics and Property Management". A native German speaker, he is flanked by his father Gino and good collaborators for the management of the Russian market.

Guido Smussi
Brescia and Hinterland Real Estate Agency - Immobiliare Smussi

Brescia and Hinterland Real Estate Agency

Owner: Smussi Guido

tel: (+39) 030.2428103

Smussi Guido, owner of “Smussi real estate”, an agency founded in 1978 by his father Alessio, has for years intensified and optimized the work, assisting customers with effective research and development criteria. The continuous specific updating, the background in the real estate world for twenty years of experience in the sector and knowledge of the real estate market, combined with excellent marketing strategies, allow it to offer customers all the tools and support needed to provide a service in full of their expectations. Real Estate Smussi operates in the residential and commercial real estate sector in the city of Brescia and the first Hinterland.

Paolo Sigalini
Hinterland of Brescia and Western low Real Estate Agency - Studio Immobiliare Sigalini

Hinterland of Brescia and Western low Real Estate Agency

Owner: Sigalini Paolo

tel: (+39) 030.978180

Sigalini Paolo owner with his son Alessio of the Real Estate “Studio Immobiliare Sigalini” has twenty years experience in the field of sales and rentals. He is expert at the CCIAA of Brescia, accredited with the Brescia real estate exchange and associated FIAIP. Our professionalism has allowed us to become a point of reference on our territory, acquiring a deep knowledge of the market and of the urban, financial and fiscal problems. We are also profound connoisseurs of the constructive characteristics thanks to the experience gained in close contact with construction companies.

Maria Teresa Fontanella
Garda lake Real Estate Agency - Vivere il Garda

Garda lake Real Estate Agency

Owner: Fontanella Maria Teresa

tel: (+39) 0365.671028

Maria Teresa Fontanella, owner of “Vivere il Garda”, has been a real estate agent since 2003 and operates on the Brescia side of Lake Garda, in particular in the area called Valtenesi, between the gulfs of Desenzano del Garda and Salò, where she was born and currently lives. This allows you a thorough knowledge of the local area. Associate FIAIP, firmly believes in constant training to keep itself constantly updated, aware that the real estate world is a very dynamic sector in all its aspects and that must always be improved, in order to offer customers a service that meets their expectations. He manages the agency with his brother Renato, who is a consultant for real estate auctions and mainly follows the web marketing and social sectors, because it is necessary to keep up with the changes and the progress of the technological era.

Some reviews


Lago di Garda - Il Ponte
Il Ponte
Lago di Garda

Via Fantoni, 30
25087 Salò BS
VAT Number: IT 01888100987
(+39) 0365.20114
(+39) 0365.1980955

Hinterland di Brescia e Bassa Occidentale - Studio Immobiliare Sigalini
Studio Immobiliare Sigalini
Hinterland di Brescia e Bassa Occidentale

Via Orzinuovi, 6
25030 Lograto BS
VAT Number: IT 03596900179
(+39) 030.978180

Lago d'Iseo e Franciacorta - Immobiliare il Maniero
Immobiliare il Maniero
Lago d'Iseo e Franciacorta

Via Ninfea, 110
25049 Iseo BS
VAT Number: IT 03402260172
(+39) 030.9822034

Franciacorta e Ovest Bresciano - Obiettivo Casa
Obiettivo Casa
Franciacorta e Ovest Bresciano

Via Chiari, 20
25030 Castelcovati BS
VAT Number: IT 03962680983
(+39) 030.7080674

Lago di Garda - Vivere il Garda
Vivere il Garda
Lago di Garda

Via Pergola, 43
25080 Moniga del Garda BS
VAT Number: IT 02960470983
(+39) 0365.671028

Brescia e Hinterland - Immobiliare Smussi
Immobiliare Smussi
Brescia e Hinterland

Via San Zeno, 32/a
25124 Brescia BS
VAT Number: IT 02835680980
(+39) 030.2428103
(+39) 030.2428208